Graduate Courses

The Princeton Materials Institute faculty teach a number of interdisciplinary courses in the field of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). These courses currently include the following:

MSE 501 Introduction to Materials (MAE 561/CEE 561/CBE 514)
MSE 502 Phase Transformations in Materials
MSE 503 Solid State Materials
MSE 504 Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Statistical Physics and Materials Science (CHM 560/PHY 512/CBE 520)
MSE 505 Characterization of Materials
MSE 511 Selected Topics in 2D Materials
MSE 512 Phase Transformations in Materials: Theory and Simulation (CHM 511)
MSE 515 Random Heterogeneous Materials (APC 515/CHM 559)
MSE 517 Structural and Material Optimization (CEE 517)
MSE 518 Fundamentals of Quantum Materials and Their Applications (CHM 518)

Chemical and Biological Engineering
CBE 503 Advanced Thermodynamics (MSE 521)
CBE 517 Soft Matter Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
CBE 526 Surface Science: Processes and Probes (MSE 526)
CBE 542 Polymer Viscoelasticity (MSE 524)
CBE 543 Structure and Properties of Complex Fluids (MSE 526)
CBE 544 Solid-State Properties of Polymers (MSE 522)
CBE 550 Physics of Polymeric Glasses (MSE 520)

CHM 502 Advanced Quantum Chemistry
CHM 503 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics (MSE 514)
CHM 509 Topics in Physical Chemistry: Coarse-graining and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
CHM 522 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (MSE 592)

Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEE 513 Introduction to Finite-Element Methods
CEE 529 Optical Materials for Thermoregulation of the Built Environment and Beyond (MSE 539)
CEE 531 Materials and Processes (MSE 531)
CEE 545 Origami Engineering (MSE 535)

Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 540    Organic Materials for Photonics & Electronics
ECE 541    Electronic Materials (MSE 551)
ECE 545    Electronic Devices
ECE 547B Selected Topics in Solid-State Electronics - Subwavelength Nanophotonics and Plasmonics (MSE 557)
ECE 548    Selected Topics in Solid-State Electronics - Physics and Technology of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors
ECE 549    Micro-Nanofabrication and Thin-Film Processing (MSE 549)
ECE 550    Laser Spectroscopy: New Technologies and Applications (MSE 550)
ECE 554    Nonlinear Optics (MSE 553)
ECE 555    Selected Topics in Optics and Optical Electronics (MSE 555)
ECE 556    Modern Quantum Devices: Physics and Applications
ECE 560    Fundamentals of Nanophotonics (MSE 556)

Energy and the Environment
ENE 506 Synchrotron and Neutron Studies of Materials (MSE 586)

GEO 501 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Materials (MSE 541)
GEO 507 Topics in Mineralogy and Mineral Physics - Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials at High Pressure (MSE 547)
GEO 543 Rock Fracture

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MAE 521 Optics and Lasers (MSE 561)
MAE 550 Lessons from Biology for Engineering Tiny Devices (MSE 560)
MAE 564 Structural Materials (MSE 564)
MAE 566 Biomechanics and Biomaterials: From Cells to Organism (CBE 561/BNG 566)
MAE 568 Energy Transport at the Nanoscale (MSE 568)

PHY 505 Quantum Mechanics
PHY 506 Advanced Quantum Mechanics (MSE 576)
PHY 511 Statistical Mechanics
PHY 525 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
PHY 536 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics II (MSE 577)

The following courses will be accepted with approval from both the home department and the PMI program director:

CBE 415  Polymers
CHM 409 Structural Solid State Chemistry
CHM 411 Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity
CHM 412 Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Materials
GEO 419  Physics and Chemistry of Earth's Interior