PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Srikanth Singamaneni, Washington University - St. Louis Nov 20, 2013, 12:00 pm Plasmonic Engineering in Nanomedicine Abstract: Plasmonics involves the control of light at the nanoscale using surface plasmons. One particular area where plasmonics is expected to make an enoromous impact is the field of life sciences, with applications in bioimaging, biosensing, and therapy. In the… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Emanuel Tutuc, University of Texas at Austin Nov 13, 2013, 12:00 pm Electron Transport in Atomic Layer Heterostructures Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in atomic layer semiconductors, such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. These semiconductors possess unique properties such as massless fermions in graphene mononolayer, tunable… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Michael Strano, Massachusetts of Technology Nov 6, 2013, 12:00 pm New Concepts in Molecular and Energy Transport Within Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Abstract: Our laboratory has been interested in how 1D and 2D electronic materials such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, respectively, can be utilized to illustrate new concepts in molecular transport and energy transfer. … Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Deji Akinwande, University of Texas at Austin Oct 23, 2013, 12:00 pm Adventures in the Flatlands: The Silicon-Rich and Flexible Futures of Graphene and 2D Atomic Sheets Abstract: As we approach the 10th anniversary of the landmark graphene results by Geim, Novoselov, de Heer and coworkers, persistent questions remain regarding the prospects of graphene and similar two-dimensional… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Oana Malis, Purdue University Oct 16, 2013, 12:00 pm Quantum Band Engineering in III-Nitride Semiconductors Abstract: Quantum confinement in the conduction band of semiconductor heterostructures brings about fascinating optical properties in the infrared range of the spectrum due to intersubband transitions. Research on intersubband transitions in recent years has… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: James Kolodzey, University of Delaware Oct 9, 2013, 12:00 pm Electronic and Optical Properties of FeSn Alloys and Junctions Abstract: The mid-infrared region, covering wavelengths from about 2 to 5 micrometers, is becoming increasingly active because of new developments in materials as well as emerging applications. With its good atmospheric transmission, the mid-IR… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Gregory McKenna, Texas Technical University Oct 2, 2013, 12:00 pm Upper Bounds to the Relaxation Times in Glass-Forming Systems: Evidence of Non-Diverging Time-Scales From 20 Ma Dominican Amber Abstract: One perceived important signature of the 'ideal' glass transition and of the complex fluid nature of glass-forming liquids remains the apparent divergence of the dynamics at… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2013: Maria Santore, University of Massachusetts - Amherst Sep 25, 2013, 12:00 pm Biological Function Without the Complexity: Translating Fundamental Interfacial Principles to Biomimetic Performance Abstract: In smart or biomimetic materials, biomolecules such as DNA and antibodies, or at least their fragments, are incorporated into materials to accomplish their natural tasks in a modified… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES SPRING 2013: Takao Someya, University Tokyo; IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer May 1, 2013, 12:00 pm Ultraflexible and Stretchable Organic Thin-Film Transistors and Photovoltaic Cells Abstract: We report recent progress of ultraflexible organic photovoltaic cells and thin-film transistors that are manufactured on ultrathin plastic film with the thickness of 10 ?m or less. First, we have demonstrated polymer… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES SPRING 2013: Yurii A. Vlasov, IBM TJ Watson Center Apr 24, 2013, 12:00 pm Integrated Silicon Nanophotonics for High-Bandwidth Chip-to-Chip Communications Abstract:Silicon Nanophotonics enables dense integration of electrical circuits with optical devices scaled down to diffraction limit. The technology will enable future supercomputers capable of delivering Exaflops (10^18 floating… Location Bowen Hall Auditorium 222 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »