Events Archive

PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Dario Stacchiola, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dec 13, 2017, 12:00 pm

Nanomaterials in Operando Conditions

Abstract: Heterogeneous catalysts undergo dramatic changes in their structure as they mediate a chemical reaction. Multiple experimental approaches have been developed to understand these changes. Due to the complexity of the materials used as heterogeneous catalysts, and the…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Saad Khan, North Carolina State University
Dec 6, 2017, 12:00 pm

Picking Materials That Make a Difference: From Soft Solids, Colloidal Gels to Nanofibrous Structures

Abstract: In this presentation, we will present vignettes of various research projects in our group, the focus of which have primarily been on multicomponent soft materials. Examples will be drawn from, various…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Kyle Bishop, Columbia University
Nov 15, 2017, 12:00 pm

Colloidal Machines: How to Power, Program, and Apply Them?

Abstract:  The sustained operation of colloidal machines – that is, dynamic assemblies of colloidal components that perform useful functions – requires a steady input of energy, which must be delivered remotely and converted efficiently into useful…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Edwin Thomas, Rice University
Nov 8, 2017, 12:00 pm

High Rate Micromechanical Behavior of Glassy Polymer Films

Abstract: The nature of the deformation in polymers depends on the ability of the chain segments to respond to the applied load at the imposed loading rate. When the polymer response time is significantly longer than the testing time, the…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
CANCELLED -- PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Andrea Alù, University of Texas
Oct 25, 2017, 12:00 pm

New Frontiers for Wave Manipulation Using Metamaterials

Abstract: Metamaterials are artificial materials with properties well beyond what offered by nature, providing unprecedented opportunities to tailor and enhance the interaction between waves with materials. In this talk, I discuss our recent research…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Lyndon Emsley, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Oct 18, 2017, 12:00 pm

Direct Observation of Three-Dimensional Molecular Structures on Surfaces

Abstract: A fundamental challenge in surface chemistry and catalysis relates to the determination of three-dimensional structures with atomic-level precision. In fact, it is not even known whether molecular fragments at surfaces form well…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Boris Luk'yanchuk, Data Storage Institute
Oct 11, 2017, 12:00 pm

On the Photonic Nanojets

Abstract: Materials with relatively small refractive indices (n < 2), such as glass, quartz, polymers, some ceramics, etc., are the basic materials in most optical components (lenses, optical fibers, etc.). In this review, we present some of the phenomena and possible applications…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Natalie Stingelin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sep 27, 2017, 12:00 pm

Solution-Processed Photovoltaics: Opportunities provided by Use of Material Science Tools

Abstract: In the past decade, significant progress has been made in the fabrication of organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs), predominantly due to important improvements of existing materials and the creation…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
PRISM/PCCM SEMINAR SERIES FALL 2017: Shmuel Rubinstein, Harvard University
Sep 20, 2017, 12:00 pm

The Crumpled State: Crumpling Dynamics and the Evolution of Damage Networks

Abstract: The simple process of crumpling a sheet of paper with our hands results in a complex network of interconnected permanent creases of many sizes and orientations. Sheet preferentially bends along these creases, introducing history…

Bowen Hall Auditorium 222
ACADEMIC EXPO -- Welcome Class of 2021!
Sep 11, 2017, 10:00 am

Welcome Class of 2021!

Interested in Materials Science? Please stop by our table to learn more about the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Certificate Program. Current students will be available to talk about their experiences, classes, how to join the program and participate in activities.

Frick Chemistry Lab